Sunday, February 12, 2017

Sin embargo, ella persistió

I have appreciated the many memes and posts these past few days lifting up the words, "Nevertheless, she persisted." Yet, I cannot think of women's fierce persistence without reflecting on the matriarchs who came before. 

In my family, I think of the persistence of that generation of women who, as jovencitas in the old country, left school early in order to help support their families; who as mujeres y madres jóvenes in the face of oppression, left behind their homes, possessions, and all they had, llevando sus niños y niñas de la mano as they made their way to a strange new country. I am awed by the persistence of our mothers, who worked as seamstresses, caretakers, who took in all kinds of odd jobs for the few extra dollars it would bring. I look at my generation - the daughters and sons of those persistent women - knowing the large measure to which we are indebted to them for what we have been able to accomplish and become.

In my maternal line, only two women are left from that persistent generation. We, their children, carry on their story, and we, their daughters and nieces and granddaughters and great-granddaughters, their sons and nephews and grandsons and great-grandsons, and all whose lives were made possible by their refusal to be silenced...We persist, in their honor and for the sake of those who will come after us. 


Saturday, January 7, 2017

Gimme Mystery

January 7, 1962.

Fifty-five years ago today, I made my First Communion at Saint Michael's Roman Catholic Church in Manhattan.

My understanding of communion has changed/continues to change through the years of my eclectic spiritual sojourn... Sacrament or ordinance? Open or closed? Transsubstantiation, symbol, or real presence?

Not sure my answers today would be any clearer or more theologically sound than they were as a precocious seven-year old making my way up to the altar rail in my white dress and veil, gloved hands folded and pointing heavenward. And, as the expressions in these First Communion pictures reveal, there's always room in faith and spirituality for a doubtful smirk.

I'll take mystery...then, and now.